Police: Drunken Driver Tried to Hit Husband With Kids in Car

A 47-year-old woman is facing two felony drunken driving charges for allegedly trying to mow down her husband with her two young children in the car on July 26.
East Hampton Town police said Jenny Ebert was driving a 2014 Chevrolet Suburban on South Euclid Avenue by the police precinct in downtown Montauk when “she crossed over the double yellow line into the oncoming lane of traffic” in “an attempt to strike her husband.”
Police said her two children, at least one of which was between the ages of 4 and 7, according to the charges, were in the back seat. Ebert, who splits her time between Montauk and Manhattan, drove off, but police pulled her over a couple of blocks away on South Edison Street, where she was allegedly driving erratically.
She seemed disoriented, the arresting officer said, and had slurred speech and constricted pupils. She had “poor coordination and slow reaction time,” the report said. Ebert reportedly told police she had taken dextroamphetamine and Clonazepam.
Failing sobriety tests, Ebert was placed under arrest on two felony counts of driving while intoxicated, under Leandra’s Law, named for an 11-year-old child, Leandra Rosado, killed in a car crash in New York City in 2009. The law, passed shortly after Rosado’s death, makes it a felony to drive drunk with a child aged 15 years or younger in the vehicle.
In addition, Ebert was charged with seven misdemeanor crimes, including four counts of endangering the welfare of a child, one for each child for allegedly driving drunk with them in the vehicle and having them in the car while trying to strike her husband.
The other misdemeanors she was charged with included two drug possession counts and a count of driving with ability by drugs. She also is facing a harassment charge, a violation, for allegedly trying to strike her husband.
Blood was drawn at police headquarters, as mandated by Leandra’s Law, to determine what drugs, if any, and in what quantity they were in Ebert’s system. She was arraigned via video conference the next morning and was released.
An Amagansett man who police said fled the scene of an accident the afternoon of Friday July 24 is facing felony DWI charges. William Billy Carman, 32, was driving a 1998 Chevrolet pickup with equipment in the bed on Montauk Highway when, according to witnesses, while turning onto Oak Lane, he collided with a 2011 BMW convertible. The driver of the BMW, who declined medical attention, asked Carman to pull over, but, according to the police, he kept on going.
A witness at the scene drove after the Chevrolet, recording its license plate number, then returned to the scene of the accident.
The driver of the BMW felt some pain but declined medical attention. An officer found the pickup Carman was said to be driving at his Abraham’s Path address, with Carman standing next to it, according to the police. The arresting officer reported that Carman admitted he had been driving. He failed sobriety tests and was placed under arrest on two felony charges of DWI, along with a felony unlicensed driving charge. A breath test at headquarters confirmed that Carman was intoxicated, police said.
The charges were felonies because of a prior conviction in September of 2010. Anyone convicted of DWI within the past ten years who then gets arrested on the same charge faces it as a felony.
For Carman, the timing of the new charge couldn’t have been worse: in less than 60 days, he would have been outside the ten-year window for prior convictions, and would be now facing misdemeanor DWI charges, instead.
The pickup, which was registered to Carman’s wife, was seized under county law covering felony DWI arrests. Carman was held overnight and released after a video-conferenced arraignment the next morning.
Just minutes after midnight on July 27, a Sag Harbor woman reportedly told police she veered across Amagansett Main Street to avoid hitting pedestrians in the roadway, causing her to crash into a light pole near Miankoma Lane. Carol Daly, 61, was driving a westbound 2012 Toyota sedan at the time of the accident, which occurred on the eastbound side of the road.
After being placed under arrest on a misdemeanor charge of DWI, she was taken by ambulance to Stony Brook Southampton Hospital, where she was treated and released back into police custody. She was released from headquarters after a video-conferenced arraignment later Monday morning.
A Mount Vernon man ended up in East Hampton Town police custody the night of July 20, facing felony charges of possession of psilocybin and LSD. Police received a report of a suspicious vehicle parked in the handicap parking space in the parking lot of the 7-Eleven on Main Street in downtown Montauk at around 8:30 in the evening. An officer approached a 2001 Honda in the lot and began speaking with the driver, Francisco Serrano, 20, who allegedly had the “remnants of a blunt containing a green, leafy material.”
The officer placed Serrano under arrest on a marijuana possession charge, which is a simple violation. Police also said they found a small quantity of methylenedioxy-methamphetamine, known as Ecstasy, in Serrano’s wallet. These charges opened the door to a search of the vehicle. Police said they found a glass jar in the glove box which contained a “grey fungus material” which allegedly tested positive for psilocybin. The weight of the substance exceeded 125 milligrams, police said, making the charge a serious B felony.
Serrano was taken to headquarters to be processed. At about 1:45 the next morning, as police checked the contents of Serrano’s wallet, they found “a quantity of a small square tab substance alleged to be lysergic acid diethylamide, better known as acid or LSD. Alleged possession of just one milligram or more of the potent hallucinogenic is also a felony.
Serrano was released after being arraigned the morning after his arrest.