Protest Against President Trump Slated for Saturday

With President Trump on the South Fork this weekend for at least two campaign fundraisers, a protest is being formed for Saturday at 3 p.m.
Lisa Votino, a local activist, organized “East End Together Against Trump,” to be held at the corner of Hill Street and First Neck Lane in Southampton Village, near where one of the fundraisers is reportedly being held.
“He’s back and so are we,” Votino wrote on the Facebook event page. The protest will be held until about 5:30 p.m.
In a brief conversation Friday, she said, “There have been so many protests in the last 3.5 years because of how horrible this administration is. They have tried to divide us and demean us. This is a chance to all stand together united against what will most definitely go down as one of our saddest moments as a country.”
While there is no permit in place, she said police are aware of the protest.
Masks must be worn and hand sanitizer will be provided, she wrote.