Plane Skids off Runway in Montauk

No one was hurt when a plane skidded off the runway in Montauk and into a fence on what is shaping up to be a rainy and windy Thursday morning.
The Cirrus SR-22, a 2018 fixed-wing, single- engine plane, was landing at the Montauk Airport on East Lake Drive at about 8:15 a.m., according to data on

The four-seater orange plane crossed East Lake Drive and hit a stockade fence, just missing a boat on the other side, at the Montauk Bungalows, next to Rick’s Crabby Cowboy. A crane from Keith Grimes Inc. was brought in to remove the plane, while East Hampton Town police kept the road closed.
No one was hurt. The Montauk Airport was briefly closed. The Federal Aviation Administration will conduct a routine investigation into what caused the crash.
The rain had just begun Thursday morning when the incident occurred. The East End is feeling the effects of Zeta with heavy rain and wind gusts between 20 and 40 mph expected throughout the rest of the day.
The plane arrived in Montauk from Westchester County Airport in White Plains, where it had taken off at 7:40 a.m., FlightAware shows.
The plane is owned by Blue Sky November LLC, based in Mamaroneck.
Back in August, a small plane also skidded off the runway in Montauk. The pilot told police he was landing when the plane hit a wind-shear, hit a wing, and went off the runway. No one was hurt then either.