Bestselling Author Steven Gaines Shares His Hamptons Faves
In the latest Out East End extra, bestselling author Steven Gaines shares some some of his Hamptons faves.
“(Choreographer) Jerome Robbins—one of the most fascinating people out here. He was a genius!”
“Dockside (Bar & Grill in Sag Harbor)—it is really important to me. It’s lovely, the people are lovely, the view is lovely, and the food is amazing. And I hope nobody ever goes there.”
“Wainscott Beach—before it was electrified–(part of) the 30 million watts route they chose for the wind farm electricity to come onshore. Those heavy duty wires (buried 30 feet below the ground) could make your hair stand on end.”
“ARF (the Animal Rescue Fund of the Hamptons in East Hampton)—I am a huge ARF fan and supporter. All my dogs are from there, and my significant other (Tony) works there.”
Keep an eye out this Sunday, May 2, for Steven Gaines’ Out East End feature, where he talks about his incredible career as a best-selling author, or read it in the April 30, 2021, issue of Dan’s Papers.