Dan’s Taste 2021 Chefs Countdown: Edward McFarland, Ed's Lobster Bar

Few delicacies scream “summer seafood” better than lobster, and Edward McFarland of Ed’s Lobster Bar is bringing the goods this summer. Taste the flavor of summer at Dan’s Rosé Soirée on Saturday, July 24.
For tickets and more information on all Dan’s Taste 2021 events, visit DansTaste.com.
First word (or words) that comes to mind when you hear “Taste of Summer?”
Lobster Rolls!
Where do you draw your inspiration from?
From my heart.
You can invite three people, living or dead, to your dinner party. Who are they, and what would that meal be?
Auguste Escoffier: No explanation needed; he is the “king of chefs and chef of kings.” Mr. Deeds: He brings the fun. Napoléon Bonaparte: To find out where he grew all of his own personal inspiration from.
What’s your favorite dish to prepare, and do you enjoy eating it as much as preparing it?
My favorite dish to prepare is anything outside on the grill. Nothing says summertime to me and is more enjoyable than being outside in front of the grill and enjoying a cold beer while I’m doing it.
What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?
“Positive mindset brings positive results.”
Share your funniest, most unforgettable or oddest kitchen incident.
During one of my first jobs as a line cook, the gas safety valve spring popped out right as service was starting. The owner had one of the employees holding the valve in until the contractor came to fix it.
Who do you most admire in the food/wine world and why?
Currently, Bobby Flay because he is the perfect example of how putting in the effort produces the results.
What is going to be the “next big thing” on the East End food scene?
Ed’s Summer Garden!
What are your hobbies, passions and interests outside the world of food, wine and work?
Playing hockey, coaching my son’s hockey team, spending time with my family and raising my chickens.
What’s your comfort food and why?
Pizza, because to me, there is nothing better to eat on any given day.
If you were not in the food or wine business, what would you be doing?
There was no plan B.
What is the most memorable thing you’ve ever tasted?
The pigeon at Moulin de Mougins.
What recent travels have you taken that have inspired you?
Unfortunately, I have not done much traveling recently due to the pandemic.
What do you consider your greatest achievement?
The longevity of my staff in New York City in an industry with such high turnover. Some of my staff have been with me for almost the full 14 years since opening.
What’s a unique kitchen ritual you practice?
Being disruptive and playful to ease the tension of a tough busy service.
What has surprised you the most about working in the East End culinary scene?
I am often surprised by the robust off-season.
What is your go-to karaoke song?
I am not a karaoke person but I love to blast EDM music in my Jeep Wrangler.
It’s your last weekend on earth—what’s the menu?
I’m having pizza and lobster ravioli with premier cru from Burgundy.
We just handed you a glass of bubbly. Now please make a toast to summer on the East End.
Here’s to the best summer we’ve ever had in the Hamptons. I already know that I’ll be raising another glass at the end of the summer to the success that the 2021 season brought. Now chin chin!
To learn more about Ed’s Lobster Bar, visit lobsterbarnyc.com.