A Chat with Scotto Sisters Rosanna & Elaina Scotto

You probably know the Scotto sisters — Rosanna and Elaina Scotto — best for, along with their family, owning and operating the restaurant Fresco by Scotto in New York City, but they’re also longtime staples in the Hamptons.
When they’re not appearing on our TV screens, working at Fresco by Scotto, hosting their Instagram Live show @scottosisters (every weekday at 4:30 p.m.), the Scottos love spending time out east.
We caught up with the busy sisters to find out more about their always bustling restaurant and what they love most about the Hamptons.

Scotto Sisters Share Their Love of the Hamptons
Can you tell us about what got you into hospitality and what keeps you motivated to stay in the business after so many years?
Rosanna: Our mother wanted to create a business we could all participate in. She mortgaged the family house in Brooklyn! Thankfully, that risk has turned into a successful restaurant, 29 years and counting.
Elaina: Our mom, Marion, wanted to create a family business — hence Fresco by Scotto was born. The success of the restaurant keeps me motivated every day. I love what I do and am so lucky to have my Fresco team around me. When the restaurant was shuttered during Covid, we created an Instagram called Scotto Sisters. It’s an integral part of the business as we have a network of over 18,000 followers who love coming to Fresco to see the “sisters.”
How do you balance a career that is so multifaceted?
Rosanna: Time and energy. We need a lot of it. I get up every morning at 4:30 a.m. to anchor Good Day New York. I have a busy day on the air from 7:-10 a.m.. Then there are interviews that happen after the show ends. I try to manage my schedule strategically when it comes to Fresco by Scotto, but all plans go out the window when my sister informs me that Chris Rock and Kevin Hart are coming to the restaurant on a night I planned to stay at home…I quickly change back into my clothes and head to the restaurant.
Elaina: Organization! I’m extremely organized — I carry a notepad as well as an old school calendar. I write every task and reminder on a pad and cross off as completed. I love my old school calendar, as it allows me to look at a week in one glance — it’s helpful in balancing a busy schedule.
To what do you attribute the longstanding success of the restaurant?
Rosanna: Consistency. Delicious food, a family presence and incorporating fun Instagram-worthy moments like dancing in the street and a giant cannoli to share.
Elaina: I think our passion is felt by every customer. We love what we do and we are constantly bringing our restaurant to new levels. When you love what you do, it never feels like work. Instagram is an important way to showcase what we do and the energy behind the restaurant.
What are your favorite dishes on the menu?
Rosanna: I love the Cavatelli with Sausage and Broccoli Rabe. It’s pure comfort food.
Elaina: The gorgonzola chips are a must! I love the veal and chicken bolognese. When eating healthy, which is most days,, I love our Dover sole and branzino.
What are your favorite spots in the Hamptons?
Rosanna: Argento in Southampton, Le Bilboquet in Sag Harbor and Tutto il Giorno in Sag Harbor.
Elaina: I’m a creature of habit…I love Tutto il Giorno in Sag Harbor and Le Bilboquet.
What is your perfect Hamptons day?
Rosanna: Working out with Maryann Browning in the morning, hitting Cooper’s Beach and then barbecuing at home.
Elaina: A long walk on Sagg Main Beach and relaxing in the backyard with my family.
What are you most excited about for Labor Day weekend?
Rosanna: Celebrating my sister, Elaina’s birthday!
Elaina: My birthday always falls on Labor Day weekend. As our schedules are so busy, it’s the weekend we manage to gather the whole family together and take a drive out to Montauk to dine at Duryea’s. There’s nothing like it; it’s such a special place.