Southold Historical Museum Calls for 2022 Ten Squared Art

Southold Historical Museum has put out its annual call for artists to participate this year’s Ten Squared art exhibition, a special non-juried fundraising show featuring 10- x 10-inch artworks that will sell for $100, to be split evenly between the artist and museum. It’s an opportunity for a wide range of artists to show without gatekeepers deciding who can and cannot take part in the show.
Running from November 15 – December 15, the theme of this year’s late fall online exhibit and sale is Ten Squared: A Season for Art, a change from last year’s “Winter Wonders” theme.
“Late Autumn is the time for people to collect art for a cozy home in the colder winter months,” Southold History Museum said in an emailed call for artists, adding, “Hanging artwork at eye level creates an element of instant warmth and comfort in a home, and it invites guests to get to know the owner and their family’s story more intimately.”
Before the 2021 exhibition, Southold Historical Museum Executive Director Deanna Witte-Walker explained what makes this particular event so special for artists and collectors. “The artists are appreciating it and it’s not juried, so it’s really the artists’ interpretation of the theme,” Witte-Walker said, adding, “We get all different works, we get works from younger people, very skilled, well-known artists — we get a whole range of different interests and levels.”

Submit to Ten Squared
Artists are invited to submit up to three works which measure 10 inches squares (hence the Ten Squared title), not including a thin frame. All mediums are accepted. Artworks should be dry and ready to hang. Artists should attach a label to the back of the artwork with their name, the title of the piece and medium.
Finished 10- x 10-inch works are due with submission forms in the Southold Historical Museum office at the Prince Building, 54325 Main Road in Southold by Friday, November 4.
Art should be dropped off during office hours (10 a.m.–2 p.m.) from Monday, October 31 through Friday, November 4.
Due to holidays and staff availability, no late entries will be accepted. Unsold work must be retrieved by January 13, 2023 or will be recycled. Participating artists will be given instructions for picking up unsold works at a later date.
For more information, email or call 631-765-5500.
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