The Inaugural Hamptons Mystery & Crime Festival Commences
All fans of whodunits considered mystery weekend in East Hampton Village to be a huge hit thanks to festival founders Mayor Jerry
Larsen, Jackie Dunphy, Carrie Doyle, and Lisa Larsen. With cocktail parties, book signings, graveyard tours, crime panels and escape
rooms, there was no shortage of fun. This three day event allowed attendees to meet best selling authors, true crime experts, and
filmmakers at panels for a Q&A and book signing. East Hampton Village brilliantly set up all venues conveniently within walking
distance, making it easy for guests to ensure their weekend was full of mystery and crime excursions of all sorts, one of which being a
‘Who Killed the Mayor’ whodunit event held at Village Hall. While competition to process crime scenes and analyze physical evidence
to solve this mystery was fierce, only the top three detective teams could win. First place was awarded to Team Dog Night, whilst
second was held by Team Frenchies, followed by Team Amityville Horror who took home third. This event was a massive success
as attendees from all over joined in the festivities, undoubtedly taking home both a sense of accomplishment and unforgettable
memories. This event was the first of many, so for all of those fans of crime and mystery, be sure not to miss next year’s.