Dan's Cover Artist Gail Gallagher Discusses 'Tribute' Still Life

Gracing the cover of the March 8, 2024 issue of Dan’s Papers is “Tribute” by local artist Gail Gallagher. Here, she discusses creating this still-life (twice), the painting’s touching inspiration and her inclusion in the Southampton Artists Association 2024 Winter Art Exhibit on view through March 10 at the Southampton Cultural Center.

A Chat with Gail Gallagher
What can you tell us about the inspiration for your “Tribute” painting and the staging conceived for this still-life composition?
Thank you for asking! I am so pleased that you chose this painting for your cover.
This still-life was painted as a tribute to my mom, a quilter. Around 20 years ago she gave me her Singer Featherweight sewing machine to facilitate quilting during visits and to encourage me to learn to quilt. I joked that it would probably end up in a painting sooner than being used for quilting and that turned out to be the case. Mom has given me so many beautiful quilts; it seemed fitting to create a painting including one of her quilts as part of the composition as a gift for her.
My goal was to use the sewing machine and a quilt as central elements. I arranged various quilts, but a patriotic table runner titled “Tribute” was my favorite. It was small enough to feed under the sewing machine’s presser foot and gently drape across the center of the composition. I learned nearly as much about the sewing machine by painting it as by actually sewing with it. While installing the brilliant red thread on the spool pin, I realized that I needed to learn how to properly thread the bobbin.
A call to mom got the sage reply, “Just look on YouTube.” I found the old-style tomato shaped pin cushion at the Sag Harbor Variety Store. The scissors are facing with handle to the left as a nod to mom being left-handed. Mom loves her painting — a success!

Once you set out to create a still-life painting, how much creative liberty and room for interpretation do you allow yourself?
A wise teacher once told me that, “You paint a still-life twice — once when setting up the arrangement and again when putting paint on the canvas.” After the objects are arranged, I paint what I observe, though some days my observations are looser and more impressionistic than others. If a setup is particularly inspiring, I may paint it a few times from different points of view. As far as creative liberty, every brush stroke is an adventure. The paint sometimes leads me to an exciting result that I hadn’t planned.
How was the SAA 2024 Winter Art Exhibit curated, and what excites you most about this exhibition?
My husband Hugh and I have three works each in the Southampton Artists Association 2024 Winter Art Exhibit. We both chose paintings that describe local scenes and are excited to be exhibiting with this talented group for the first time. We are among 50 local artists exhibiting a total of 125 works. The exhibit is at the Southampton Cultural Center at 25 Pond Lane, (Southampton Village) and is up until Sunday, March 10.

What do you consider your proudest art accomplishment of 2023?
I had my first solo show! I am grateful to Golden Eagle Art in East Hampton for honoring me as one of their artists of the month.
What is one goal that you’re working toward in 2024?
To push my creative boundaries daily. It is more comfortable to paint in my studio, so I plan on forcing myself outside to paint more often.

Would you like to share any closing thoughts?
Thank you, Dan’s Papers, for featuring me on your cover. I am so grateful for your support of local artists!
To view more of Gail Gallagher’s work and to sign up for her newsletter, visit gailmgallagher.com. Gallagher’s art can also be found on Instagram @PaintingTheHamptons.