Guild Hall Celebrates Academy of the Arts Achievement Award
By Jacqueline Moore
1 minute04/12/2024Share
Amy Kirwin, Andrea Grover, Lola Rita Lama, Andrina WekontashRossa Cole, Sean Zanni
Ada SamuelssonRossa Cole, Sean Zanni
Andi Potamkin, Joel MesslerRossa Cole, Sean Zanni
April Gornik, Eric FischlRossa Cole, Sean Zanni
Bob Colacello, Ross BlecknerRossa Cole, Sean Zanni
Brian Anthony Moreland, Michael KatzRossa Cole, Sean Zanni
Daryl Roth, Sy Kinsella, Lisa SchulzRossa Cole, Sean Zanni
Elise Herget, Christian Scheider, Charlie Marder, Eric FischlRossa Cole, Sean Zanni
Fern Mallis, Sunny HostinRossa Cole, Sean Zanni
Florence Fabricant, LaVon Kellner, Tom RoushRossa Cole, Sean Zanni
Greg Borbino, Andrea Grover, Melanie Crater, Anthony Madonna, Leonardo SandovalRossa Cole, Sean Zanni
Guild Hall StaffRossa Cole, Sean Zanni
Howard Marks, Daryl Roth, Nancy Marks, Jordan RothRossa Cole, Sean Zanni
Jeremy Dennis, Arcmanoro NilesRossa Cole, Sean Zanni
Jorn Weisbrodt, Rufus WainwrightRossa Cole, Sean Zanni
Kiki Rollemberg, Stephen MeringoffRossa Cole, Sean Zanni
Marieya D'Angelo, Kambui OlujimiRossa Cole, Sean Zanni
Neil deGrasse TysonRossa Cole, Sean Zanni
Patricia Paladines, Carl SafinaRossa Cole, Sean Zanni
Rebecca and Todd CohenRossa Cole, Sean Zanni
Stewart F. Lane, Bonnie ComleyRossa Cole, Sean Zanni
Tom Sorce, Bernadette PetersRossa Cole, Sean Zanni
Uri Berliner, Mary Elizabeth GiffordRossa Cole, Sean Zanni
Guild Hall‘s 38th annual Academy of the Arts Achievement Awards Dinner, hosted by Executive Director Andrea Grover, was held at the Rainbow Room in New York City.
The evening was dedicated to honoring the lifetime achievements of artists and supporters of the arts.
Broadway producer Daryl Roth received the Lifetime Achievement Award for Performing Arts, while Nancy and Howard Marks were recognized with the Special Award for Leadership & Philanthropy.