Howard Stern Discusses His Fifth Dan's Cover Painting

This week’s Dan’s Papers cover artist, radio icon and longtime Hamptons resident Howard Stern discusses his fifth painting to grace our cover and offers insights into how he chooses his subjects, what attracts him to find and paint disused and deteriorating buildings, like these barns, and explains why it’s so difficult for some to accept his impressive talent with a paintbrush.

A Conversation with Howard Stern
What a beautiful painting! How did you decide on this old farmhouse as a subject?
I was telling a friend of mine that I love to paint old structures that have been abandoned, and he brought me to this place. I visited multiple times. Early morning and late afternoon were ideal to catch the different light. I took many pictures and then made small studies of different views; 3-inch squares just to see what I wanted to paint on a bigger scale. I have at least 11 miniatures that I’ve done of this location.
You once told us that you appreciated the metaphor in aged and abandoned structures. Do you also recognize the beauty in them?
I’m attracted to things that tell our history. You could make up a million stories about what might have gone on in these structures. I love the natural decay. Time has worn these buildings down and I can’t help seeing the human experience in all of it.
There is something challenging about painting a fractured wall or broken window with mysterious warm, dark tones behind the glass. I love observing how the light is hitting the landscape and affecting the shadows and the morning mist in the distance. This painting took me a long time because there was so much to think about.

Over the years of displaying your art on our cover, we hear from fans of yours who for some reason just cannot accept that you might be good at painting. What do you say to those people?
I understand why they are unaccepting or in disbelief. I think we have certain stereotypes about painters: They are these fragile and sensitive flowers who live in a different reality, and when they hear me on the radio, they don’t think I sound like the type who paints. Also, most people think you can only be good at one thing…assuming you think I’m good on the radio.
How is your painting progressing? In what ways do you find yourself growing and improving as an artist?
I’m actually taking a break from painting. Haven’t painted this summer. Been focusing on some other areas in my life, but I know I will get back to it. I have a bunch of ideas for things I’d like to paint.
I saw your wife Beth’s photos from Italy on Instagram. Did all the art there leave you with any inspiration for your own work? Did you have a chance to paint while there or get pictures for future paintings?
I did not paint in Italy, but I took a lot of pictures. Talk about old structures — I loved the whole vibe.

Have you ever tried painting any of the cats in your life?
Yes. I have done many cat portraits. I really enjoy painting our resident cats. I have a genuine emotional connection to them and hopefully that comes through in the painting. One of my subjects was our kitten Helen playing in my sneaker. Getting the texture of animal fur or the color of the eyes just right presents a new set of challenges. My wife loved the image and made it into a T-shirt that she sold to support animal rescue.
Are you feeling any closer to showing your work in a gallery or museum setting?
Some part of me thinks it would be exciting to hang these paintings somewhere and show them, but it would require my time to put that together and right now it would be difficult to spend hours doing that. I think it will remain a fantasy.

Any final thoughts, or something you’d like to add that I didn’t ask?
As I’ve said before, check out SiriusXM. I still think it’s the greatest variety of music and talk, and just keeps getting better. I have two channels Howard 100 and 101. Great content across the entire format of stations. I was just working out and listening to Madison on Lithium (grunge and ’90s music). She has a hell of a show. Have you ever driven in a car with satellite radio? It changes the whole experience.