Joe Chierchio Paints First Dan's Cover of 2025

One of our record holders for the most Dan’s Papers covers, artist Joe Chierchio describes his style as “semi-realist” as he uses colored pencils to create iconic, narrative scenes of American life, retro nostalgia, pop culture standouts and more. This week, we get to enjoy Chierchio’s 36th Dan’s cover — not including last year’s 2024 Summer Preview cover and other specials, which would add several more — and explore some of the artist’s inspirations, his choice of medium and more.
“Helping Dad with the Wood” is not only our first Dan’s cover of 2025, it’s Chierchio’s first of the year, and it almost certainly won’t be his last.

A Chat with Joe Chierchio
Tell me about this scene you painted? What is happening and what inspired it?
The family is very important to me. Like Norman Rockwell and Currier and Ives, they bring out the best in the world. Especially during the holidays. Dad and son help carry the wood to the house with the dog trying to help — while mom is cooking up some warm delicious specials.

How did you get into using colored pencils as your primary medium for creating art?
I use colored pencils because I love to draw. Even doing backgrounds and borders. It’s all drawing. If there is a mistake, I use my trusty eraser. Van Gogh paintings look like they were drawn with a brush. Great energy with his brush.

Do you have any big plans, goals or resolutions for the new year in 2025?
To keep on creating new and exciting images.
This is your 36th Dan’s Papers cover and interview. Can you share something you’d like to say about you and your work that we’ve never thought to ask?
I think one of the reasons people respond to my work is it’s easy. There is always an exciting idea.

Where can people see your work in the coming months?
People can see my work on my website,