Jeweler Joe G. Pacetti: No Pressure, No Diamonds

Joe G. Pacetti is an independent, internationally acclaimed jeweler and certified gemologist, who has over 42 years of experience traveling worldwide, purchasing the finest gems and jewelry designs for his most discriminating clientele.
A Chat with Joe G. Pacetti
Please tell us a little bit about your jewelry business and your mission of your company and what made you decide to settle in Palm Beach?
I created a by appointment only jewelry business. I’m not a salesman, as much as much as I am a 45 years gemologist. I present, educate, and advise patrons with their selections. I edit, so it’s something that suits their lifestyle and budget. I like patrons to actually wear their selections, thus making them an extension of my taste I not only sell fine jewelry, I sell service. I help curate collections for the discriminating collector and-even a novice, starting to collect.
The saying “no pressure, no diamonds” references that challenges and difficulties often lead to personal growth and the development of valuable skills or qualities. Just as diamonds are formed under extreme pressure over time, individuals often find their strengths and capabilities when faced with adversity. Please tell us a little bit about your past because I find it amazing how adversity and hardship can lead to great success with some people and possibly cripple others?
I was an orphan, born in an unwed mother‘s home, raised in Tulsa, Oklahoma, started the jewelry business on my own after leaving Sale corporation from making a record sale of which I was not compensated. This history and background made me want to succeed in business and create my foundation to give back to others.
This this also made you want to give back to the community. Could you elaborate on that? Any advice on overcoming adversity?
Always move forward never dwell on the past. My motto is: “let us serve one another, improve lives and make differences.” Some of the South Florida charities I support are Compass Community Center, St. Ann Place Outreach Center, HRC, Patrons of the Arts in the Vatican Museums (31-year board member), The Historical Society of Palm Beach, The Boys and Girls Clubs of the Palm Beaches, The Selfless Love Foundation, the Palm Beach Symphony, the Miami City Ballet, the Norton, Hope for Depression, the French Heritage Society (Palm Beach chapter), Friends of the Hillwood Museum, (Palm Beach chapter), Kipps Bay (Palm Beach chapter), The Darbster Foundation, and Bob Carter‘s Repertory Theatre and Actors Workshop. In addition travel has always been a part of my business, which opens your mind to the world. I’ve over 9,000,000 miles. Beach has always been on my path and know my home was always taught to give back from the early days as a child and feel that’s in an honor to be able to do so. I would like for one day for them to say Joe made a difference in other people’s lives.
Can you tell us a little bit about your journey in Palm Beach and whether you feel accepted or included? I find Palm Beach to be very supportive of the LGBTQ community. How did a boy from Tulsa Oklahoma settle in Palm Beach? Also What do you love about Palm Beach? What makes it special for you?
One aspect of Palm Beach that I most enjoy is how the community cares about nature, preserving architecture, and bettering the living conditions for the less fortunate. I would certainly like to continue to grow my business and take it into the next generation through my dedicated employees who have the same vision, “work hard and give back generously!” Five years ago, I bought a place. I enjoy supporting my clients charities as well as those here I can assist with, of my own. I very much feel included, accepted here as a knowledgeable, trustworthy jeweler and philanthropist, who also happens to be a gay man.
Joe was: An orphan.
Joe is: The man his adopted parents dreamed him to be.
Joe hopes to be: “Joe from E. 3rd Street,” who enjoys doing God’s work as much as he does beautifying the world through his jewelry! After all, it is not important what one has in life, but it is important. What one gives away!
Most people need and want some love especially nowadays. But I suppose little jewelry never hurt anybody. Thank you to Joe for adding some sparkle.

Frank D’Agostino is a playwright, composer, executive producer, figure skater and active member in the Southern Florida community.