Captain Kidd, the pirate, buried treasure on Gardiners Island. People have written about it from tim...
Author: Dan Rattiner
This appears to be a story that I made up. But it isn’t. It is what happened in late December of 2...
Week of February 7–13, 2019
Riders this past week: 43,913
Rider miles this past week: 99,723
I recently came across a story about a public meeting in the beach town of Fenwick Island, Delaware....
The largest community center on the East End by far is the 26,000 square-foot facility in Montauk, a...
The 92nd Academy Awards will honor the best and brightest from the year in movies this Sunday, Febru...
Probably the most famous local person in the Hamptons is Kathleen King. A tribute to her is found on...
Week of January 30–February 5, 2020
Riders this past week: 132,088
Rider miles this past week: 8...
In late September, a 21-year-old Arizona man named Matthew Hunt purchased a 27-foot sailboat on eBay...
Many people didn’t pay too much attention to the impeachment proceedings where they talked about h...
Week of January 24–30, 2020
Riders this past week: 44,833
Rider miles this past week: 123,444
I had dinner with Si Perchik, the poet, the other day. Si lives at Maidstone Park in East Hampton, a...
The Village of East Hampton is thinking of doing a complete remodeling of Herrick Park, the large pu...
Only one president was ever driven from office by an angry public in the middle of his term. That ma...
Week of January 17–23, 2020
Riders this past week: 41,922
Rider miles this past week: 111,119
For nearly 150 years, the Hamptons has been home to many great artists. And yet I know of only three...
Me and my buddies here in Three Mile Harbor are watching the football playoffs on TV, and the Kansas...
Various branches of the U.S. military have ordered members to delete the TikTok app from their gover...
Week of January 9–15, 2019
Riders this past week: 41,922
Rider miles this past week: 111,119
My wife and I have flown to faraway places from time to time and on occasion have taken our small do...