This is written before Election Day, so I don’t know who our next President wil...
Author: Dan Rattiner
Week of November 4–10, 2016
Riders this past week: 17,242
Rider miles this past week: 92,333
Two weeks ago Friday, I drove home at noon to Three Mile Harbor through the worst rainstorm we’ve ...
Since the early 1960s, America has been broadcasting messages out into the universe in the hopes tha...
Sometime this fall, ground will be broken on what is going to be one of the most talked about homes ...
A few weeks ago, the Cleveland Indians baseball team went to Toronto to play against the Toronto Blu...
Week of Oct. 28 – November 3, 2016
Riders this past week: 21,412
Rider miles this past week: 100...
Real estate is such a big deal today. There are houses for sale on Gin Lane for $55 million. A tear...
Yesterday I received an email from a young man named Mark Petering, who lives in Kenosha, Wisconsin....
I didn’t know this, but although every red-blooded American has the right to run for President, yo...
Week of Oct. 21–27, 2016
Riders this past week: 25,923
Rider miles this past week: 100,003
Few people know this, because I haven’t made a big deal about it, but back at the beginning of thi...
The powers that be may be changing the name of Main Street. It is no longer to be called Main Street...
This is an essay about how the relationship between men and women has changed in modern American lov...
In one of the dramatic scenes in the movie The Perfect Storm, a rescue helicopter appears, hovering ...
Is saw my wife off at the Hampton Jitney this morning for her trip to New York City aboard the 9:30 ...
If there are two people in a room during these particular times, one of them likely is for Donald Tr...
Week of October 7 – 13, 2016
Riders this past week: 12,312
Rider miles this past week: 88,889
Last Wednesday was the fourth day in a row where the temperature was low here in the Hamptons. It to...
Mark Green and his wife, Deni Frand, invited about 40 people, including us, to watch the first Hilla...